In my last post, I shared three common myths about communicating boundaries and how to reframe them so you can feel empowered to honor your needs and stop the cycle of people-pleasing.

This week, I’m diving into three powerful truths about communicating boundaries. If you’ve been struggling to set boundaries in your personal or professional life, keep reading—these insights might just change how you approach communication and self-care.

1. It’s Uncomfortable

Yep, it’s uncomfortable AF—especially in the beginning. But I promise, it gets easier.

I like to tell my clients: imagine it like ripping off a band-aid. Would you rather pull it off millimeter by millimeter, or rip it off, feel the burn for a moment, and then be free to move on with your life?

Stepping outside of your comfort zone is just like that. You can take the tiniest baby steps (and hey, no shame in that), or you can jump in and realize it’s not nearly as bad as your mind made it out to be. Honestly, the anticipation is almost always worse than the reality.

Saying no, standing up for yourself, asking for time to think when someone asks for your help, or letting someone know they’ve crossed a line—it’s all uncomfortable at first. And that’s because you haven’t flexed that muscle yet. It’s weak, underused. But like any muscle, it will get stronger the more you use it.

Here’s the thing people don’t always realize: you won’t feel “ready” to set boundaries. The confidence and readiness you’re waiting for? That comes after you stand up for yourself. You have to start before you feel ready.

2. It’s Freeing

Think about all the time you spend “pre-worrying” (as one of my clients calls it). You know, the spiral of stress about what someone might say or think if you say no or communicate a boundary. Think about all the extra work you’ve taken on—at home, at work, or both—because you couldn’t draw a line.

Now think about all the resentment, anxiety, and internal conflict you carry because there are so many things you wish you could say, but don’t. That’s a lot of emotional weight to carry, isn’t it?

Take a deep breath. Relax your shoulders. Unclench your jaw.

Now imagine the freedom that comes with choosing to speak up. You free up your time. You feel lighter, less overwhelmed, less stressed. You stop apologizing for things that aren’t your fault. You have a difficult conversation with your partner, and as a result, you feel closer to them than ever.

When you do the inner work to figure out what your boundaries are, communicate them to others, and honor them consistently, you start living a life that feels lighter, more authentic, and so much more peaceful.

I’ve seen it happen with my clients who join my 1:1 coaching programs, and I’ve experienced it myself—it’s worth the work.

3. It Strengthens Relationships

A lot of people fear that setting boundaries will push others away, but the truth? It often does the exact opposite.

When you clearly communicate your needs, you’re building trust and deeper connections. People who truly care about you will appreciate your honesty, even if it feels a little awkward at first.

Here’s the thing—when you set a boundary, you’re giving someone a roadmap to how they can respect and support you. Without that clarity, people are left guessing, and that’s where misunderstandings happen. By sharing your boundaries, you’re not just protecting yourself—you’re giving your relationships a real chance to grow.

Picture this: you’re swamped at work, and your manager asks you to take on yet another project. Saying no might feel awkward, but it gives them a chance to understand your workload and adjust their expectations. Or maybe you have a friend who always leans on you but never shows up when you need support. By setting a boundary, you’re creating space for a healthier, more balanced friendship—and showing them how to truly be there for you.

Boundaries are like a relationship litmus test. They help you see who respects and values you, and yes, they may weed out people who don’t. But the relationships that matter most? They’ll grow stronger because of your courage to speak up.

Boundaries aren’t barriers; they’re bridges. They let the people in your life know how to show up for you in the best possible way. And trust me, the people who are meant to be in your life will love you even more for it.

Communicating boundaries isn’t always easy, but it’s a skill that can be learned—and it’s worth every bit of effort. The discomfort fades, but the freedom and stronger relationships that come with honoring your needs will stick with you for a lifetime.

If this resonates with you and you’re ready to work through the limiting beliefs and patterns that have kept you stuck, I’d love to help you.

In my 1:1 coaching programs for women, I help my clients uncover what’s holding them back, build confidence in setting boundaries, and create the life they truly want. Whether you’re looking for leadership development, mindset coaching, or support with personal growth, this work is designed to help you break free and thrive.

Click here to book a free call to see if we’re a good fit. Let’s make today the first step toward the freedom and confidence you deserve!

Dante Rosh

Dante Rosh is a Mindset Coach who helps high achieving professional women break away from the self destructive patterns of perfectionism and people pleasing and build a mindset that fosters a more balanced and joyful lifestyle.


3 Myths About Boundaries That Keep People Pleasers Stuck